Tuesday, June 28, 2005


diese laestigen ueberlagerungen von verschiedenen aufoktruierten schichten, die ja gar nicht ausgesucht und durch die flutwelle von informationen gespeichert werden. aufgenommen in den denkvorgang, der sich dauernd und unaufhoerlich fortsetzt, ungreifbare und sich selbststaendig bewegende hirngifte. da die betaeu-bung in solcher situation und unter derartigen ebegebenheiten notwendig notwen-dig erscheint, wird permanent ein gewisses mass an borniertheit aufrecht erhalten und somit die steuerung von aussen nahezu serviert. closed.
es mag nicht nur die suche sein. it seems better to use the english language to express certain aspects. why is this world so and how is it possible to live in it? or perhaps should I say with it, how can one live within structures like this society presents? human beings that tend to live and how com that human beings are able to live within their physics? all this seems so unnatural and where is the spirit that is like a thin rope, that is to say like a nearly unseen and not seazable thread, which is constituted throughout an infinite number of fibres. the truth nobody be-lieves. it is like coming to the ground and having seen clearly. once you start it, it never lets you go. that means that one has to get into it, more and more. the deci-sion for a step means to choose the rest of the way and might lead unfortunately to a life of categories, but luckily to something else.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005

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